Big Hero 6 is the latest addition to Disney’s ever growing franchise of family movies but what surprises
me about this movie is that it lends itself not only to a great origin story but a comedic and ultimately satisfying good time. If you were fortunate to watch BH6 in 3D I’m happy to say it was supervised stereoscopically by “Robert Neuman” whom I had the awesome privilege to work with on “The Little Mermaid 3D” and his expertise on this movie shined through.


BH6’s story revolves around young Hiro Hamada, whom while brilliant at 14, lacks a genuine direction in life. Hiro longs to follow in the footsteps of his older brother Tadashi and this is where the story begins. I won’t spoil too much as this is an experience you definitely want to undertake on the silver screen, and if possible in 3D. Now Big Hero 6 isn’t without its flaws as parts of the movie are often cliched but they present it in a way that isn’t mind droning… honestly you’re going to be laughing or tearing. It really is a great film. Big Hero 6 is now in theatres starting Nov 7th so if you want some good family fun with a nice modern techno twist, then this is for you.

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